Sunday, 10 October 2010

Film Magazine review analysis (RESEARCH AND PLANNING)

This magazine review is for the 'I AM Legend' film which is a science fiction film. The main image is not a still image from the film instead they used an image from the production stage which indicates the review is more about the technical making of the film and how the actor had to adapt to the role. The magazine  is an A3 spread and the main image takes up 2/3 of the page and bleeds to the end of the page. The beginning of the article starts with a bigger letter in this case 'R' which is conventional on majority of magazine articles. The title fits with the layout and design of the page and is in bold and also a different colour from the rest of the text. The text is typed in columns (conventional), the review has statistics such as how much the film cost to produce, the companies involved etc. The text has been placed on boxes which overlap the main image. 

This magazine review is for the girl with the dragon tattoo which is a crime/mystery film which was once a novel. The style of the page represents the genre of the film. The 'W' is in a large dragon/ asian style font. Having a large letter to starting at the begging of a review pahe is conventional. The poster shows images from the film and during production. On the left hand side or the trilogy novels so the audience know that the film was once a book. The image at the bottom of the page shows what the title of the film is called a 'Girl with a dragon tattoo'. The images do not bleed of the page, at the top of the page there is a graphic that also coincides with the theme of the film. The text is in one column which is dived by two subtitles in different fonts from the text. There is a small box image of the protagonist, the main colours are beige, white and black.
This film review is for the film sanctum which is a 3D action thriller film, the review is simple but effective. The review is a pre release review the review does not display the title of the film is instead it has in block capitals 'dark water'.The main image is a diver which seems to underwater at night the character is looking directly at the viewer as if he is going to burst out the page this creates the effect which is seen in 3D films.
This review magazine is for the film Black Swan which is a physcological thriller.
the poster has two columns and has the conventional large letter 'F' starting the article.
The poster is dominated by a white background with added graphics of three feathers which relate to the film.
the quote is in  red block capitals which stands out against the white background and reads " I TRY TO DO THINGS THAT SCARE ME, BUT I DIDN'T REALISE WHAT THIS WAS GONNA BE LIKE"

The review magazine is for the CGI film AVATAR. The magazine review uses a few screen-shots from the film as the film is more based on visual entertainment than narrative. The page is an A3 spread and the images are arranged in a linear manner with a boarders around them. The images show the mordern CGI effects  and what is believed to be the most interesting or key events from the film. The review page consist of one main image with the two main characters, a smaller ajacent image with a character in action, and two smaller os images along the the bottom. The images tell the target audience what genre the film it is. The images do not overlap each over however the text boxes overlap the images. The text uses consistent font and size exept for the title which stands out in a bolder font. The text is the same colour throughout the article. The beginning of the article starts with a bigger letter in this case 'J' which is conventional on majority of magazine articles. The title fits with the layout and design of the page.

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